Kasey Hou investigates the reduction of e-waste through strategies of repair and flatpack assembly in designing sustainable electronic appliances.
Traditional romanian lace made of discarded electrical wires sourced from London recycling center Great Eastern Waste.
Sustainable furniture made entirely from durable and long-lasting cardboard.
Home compostable doypacks for organic teas – a success story by "Pure Tea" and Repaq.
100% Recyclable clothing made from 100% recycled materials and designed to last for many seasons.
Wolkat collects, sorts, recycles and re-creates recycled products for the textile industry.
Compostable Doypacks for organic tea blends – a success story by "Tee Im Glas" and Repaq.
New process makes ‘biodegradable’ plastics truly compostable
Sayaka Ganz raises environmental awareness with her discarded plastic objects.
A Swiss company aims to establish the most sustainable substitute for petroleum-based plastics in the market.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”