Tableware and cutlery that biodegrades in just 30 days.
A marketplace that gives new life to old items.
A lamp 3D-printed from discarded orange peels.
An international platform for documentaries about the environment and sustainability.
A high performing, versatile thermal packaging solution made from sheep wool.
A paper and plastic-like material based on limestone.
An online library showcasing materials that capture CO2 in their production process.
Take part in the UCL Plastic Waste Innovation Hub’s citizen science research on compostable plastics.
An innovative and ethical jewellery workshop in Cambodia.
Seaweed offers quite a varied aesthetic and technical palette of properties when it comes to design and craftsmanship.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”