Flexi-Hex is an adaptable 100% plastic-free protective packaging solution.
Hair Highway explores the potential of human hair beyond its wildly expanding role in the beauty industry.
Soba explores and experiments with bamboo in its natural state. Created in collaboration with a bamboo fabricator on Kochi island.
Garden compostable packaging for chocolate bars and protein powder – a success story by The Nu Company and Repaq.
“Dupe” creates bio-concrete from sand, bacteria and urine.
A designer reusable coffee cup made for cafes, home users & on-the-go coffee drinkers. HuskeeCup features coffee husk as a raw material.
A DIY workshop project that builds wheelchairs from old bicycle parts and metal scrap.
The TEMP Chair is a furniture built from its own packaging.
Die Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen untersuchte Verpackungen hinsichtlich ihres ökologischen Mehrwerts.
Unocup is a foldable coffee cup with a lid as an integrated top.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”