Biodegradable tableware based on traditional craftsmanship and Japanese food culture.
Chiara Tommencioni Pisapia uses moths to transform unwanted clothing into "precious" bio-waste material.
The UK-based Beeswax Wrap Company developed a 100% plant-based wax wrap to keep your food fresh.
Students and researchers at the UC San Diego have produced the world’s first algae-based, renewable flip flops.
A group of scientists and researchers have shown that thermohaline-driven currents can create hotspots of microplastic accumulation.
PriestmanGoode tackles takeaway culture with sustainable food packaging.
The Shellworks makes compostable materials from seafood waste.
Holly Grounds has developed an edible, dissolvable ramen noodle pack that turns into its own soup.
Magewappa is a traditional Japanese steam bending wood craft found in Japan.
Researchers at the University of British Columbia are working on prototypes for a biodegradable N95 mask.
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We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”