SUSTAINABILITY: Terra bio furniture made from earth and organic waste.

09. November 2019 | Material | via


Bio furniture made from earth and organic waste by Adital Ela. (Credit:

Made from earth and natural fibers, ‘terra‘ by tel-aviv-based designer adital ela is a series of 100% organic products and furniture, according to an article on the objects can be produced anywhere with local earth and agricultural residue, require zero energy, create no pollution and are fully renewable and compostable. the series is developed using a unique compression process that combines indigenous knowledge and contemporary production methods. at the end of its life cycle the objects can be either re-molded by the user or simply returned to earth. the grey objects for example, are made from left-over earth extracted from a significant archeological site in jerusalem – creating a unique and rare natural sense and scent to every room. ‘terra’ is being presented during milan design week 2013.


Terra Stools by Adital Ela.