A knife handle matching the food that we use it for, alluding to the negative effects of our ruthless mass consumption of meat.
Thai Designers introduce amulets from recycled plastic waste to inspire more recycling.
Taiwanese animation artist creates a movie, telling the story of the nasty relationship between mankind and the oceans.
The Restart Project helps people learn how to repair their broken electronics, and rethink how they consume them in the first place.
An eye-catching awareness campaign to educate the public on the perils of plastic trash in our oceans.
A marketplace that gives new life to old items.
An international platform for documentaries about the environment and sustainability.
Take part in the UCL Plastic Waste Innovation Hub’s citizen science research on compostable plastics.
Eine ARTE Reportage über die Wegwerfkultur von Spielzeug und Beispielen, wie man den Umgang mit der Wegwerfware nachhaltiger gestalten kann.
Find out about the invention of the first single use foodservice packaging in history and the story behind it, in this little article from the FPI.
We have a social responsibility in all of the things we do, even when we produce plastic free packaging. We publish stories of daily life social heroes as rule models for us and as a motivation to start acting.
Home and garden compostable snack trays for organic office treats - a success story by "BiteBox" and Repaq.
BioBrush Berlin are now packing their products in a 100% home compostable packaging.
Nøddebazarens organic retail nuts are wrapped in a Repaq cellulose based film and a Cradle-to-Cradle cardboard box from KLS Pure Print.
Home compostable packaging for organic snack bars – a success story by "yamo" and rePAQ.
We believe in Plastic-Free solutions
“If we don’t change the way we produce and use plastic, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by the year 2050.”